Microsoft Teams
and E-Conferencing
Communication has Never Been so Easy
Microsoft Teams is group chat software designed to engage, inspire, and transform the way your organization communicates among your team members and with your clients. Decrease the overwhelming feeling of inbox overload by chatting instantly through text channels or meeting up with virtual conference calls.

You’re Always In the Loop
Shared Files, Meeting Notes, and Chat History Saved in One Place
Don’t jump around from platform to platform - Teams has simple app integration with Microsoft 365 tools like Office, Excel, and Powerpoint, so all you need is in one place within your chat group. Share, edit, and collaborate on your files in real time from any device in any time zone.
Microsoft Teams Set-Up and Configuration
Robotnik will customize a deployment approach that’s perfect for your organization. From holding deployment planning workshops, to roll-out, to ongoing support and management, there’s so much we can take off your plate.
Training examples we help your team with:
The difference between a team and a channel and how to use them effectively.
Defining Microsoft "teams" based upon group policy as an administrator.
Enabling your organization to stay ahead of unnecessary teams creation.
Understanding SharePoint in conjunction with Teams to maximize file storage and collaboration.

We Use it Too!
As an earlier adopter of Microsoft Teams, Robotnik Manged IT Solutions is well-suited to help any size organization implement and use the program effectively.
Ready to talk more about the ease of Teams and E-Conferencing?